Sunday, October 24, 2010


Thank you for your kind words and support towards my family in the passing of our family cat Mewsette.

I am still sad about the passing of Mewsette. She knew it was time to leave this world. It is important that she died in the comfort of someone that cared about her. We were snuggled on the couch together for one last time.

I gave that cat a happy ending. I did not subject her to treatment that might have given her a few more days, maybe a week. I would have wanted her to make it to my birthday, but it wouldn’t be right. That would be incredibly selfish of me.

She had a GREAT life and I took DAMN good care of Mewsette.

I gave a thought about going on a brief three-day hiatus for my postings in order to honor the memory of Mewsette.

Doing such would not be good for me. I enjoy my writings, and it would be part of the healing process.

I honored her while she was living. That is what is important.

1 comment:

Ramona said...

She knew she was deeply loved, Michael, right up to the very end.