Wednesday, August 18, 2010



During my sabbatical, President Obama made a stop in Texas.
First he stopped in Austin where Texas Dictator-For-Life President Governor Perry (R) personally met with the President to discuss hand delivered a letter to one of his aides regarding immigration issues.
This cracks me up. Governor Perry, who advocated for secession and proclaims Texas sovereignty, is now asking the Big Bad Liberal Commie government for help.
Uh… so Governor, how do you plan to balance the state budget? How many Texas projects are being funded by stimulus money? Here is one currently under construction in the DFW area.
While in Austin, President Obama spoke at the University of Texas.
Then the President flew to Dallas for a campaign fundraising event in Highland Park. There was a protest sponsored by the Dallas County Republican Party taking place at a public school. Right… protesting taxes and that government can’t do anything right, yet you are using public facilities that are funded by… TAX DOLLARS!! And it didn’t look like there were a lot of people at the event when the news reported that the President landed at Love Field. The one time I am glad for the oppressive Texas heat.
I know someone who was in the Presidential motorcade and I would like to share that with you.
There is a very key quote in the final paragraph.
Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Todd Hill’s describing his experience in the motorcade.

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