Friday, June 10, 2016

MADDOW/WARREN (9 June 2016)

Last night on The Rachel Maddow Show, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren announced that she was endorsing Hillary Clinton for president. This was coming off of the news of President Obama announcing his endorsement of Hillary Clinton.

This interview – which coincidentally was between a senator and her constituent – has a few highlights.

First, Senator Warren praises her fellow senator, Bernie Sanders, for the campaign that he ran and he should be. Sanders, as Warren mentioned, has brought up a couple key issues such as raising the minimum raise to $15, universal health care coverage, stronger Wall Street regulation, and campaign finance reform.

Throughout the interview Warren displays the differences between the two parties specifically the threat of a Donald Trump presidency and what it will mean for this country.

The reason for endorsing Clinton is a thing that I too have noticed in Clinton is that like Warren she is a fighter and knowledgeable about the issues. For those that are unaware of the Clintons’ political life, Bill Clinton was elected president in November 1992. During the campaign season, Bill mentioned that if he was elected that having his wife around would be like having “two for the price of one.” He meant that his wife would play a role in shaping his administration’s policies.

That did not sit well with people, especially those on the Republican aisle.

Hillary Clinton was to play a role in Bill Clinton’s omnibus health care reform bill. Unfortunately, the bill faced opposition from a Democratic-controlled Congress as well as lobbying efforts by the health insurance industry. Even though the bill failed, the Clintons were able to get State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) and Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) through.

The other part of the interview discussed the prospects of Senator Warren being added to the ticket as Clinton’s vice-president.

Rachel asked the senator if she has talked to Clinton or if the senator’s people are in contact with the Clinton campaign. To which the senator said there hasn’t been any talks between her or Clinton in any shape at the time.

Warren also gave the answer that she gave when constantly pressed about running for the Democratic nomination. I do believe that she loves her job in the United States Senate and severing the people of Massachusetts.

The other question came towards the end of the interview where Rachel mentioned that former Pennsylvania Governor and DNC Chairman Ed Rendell said that Warren should not be added to the ticket due to Warren’s lack of foreign policy experience. Maddow cites that one of the jobs of the vice-president is to assume the duties of the president should the unthinkable happen and asks her under that dreadful circumstance could she assume the duties.

Warren responded with a confident yes I do.

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